Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The "S" Word

I knew I would have to deal with this issue.  It always comes up.  When some people hear I have decided to homeschool Kid A, the question inevitably is asked.  I can almost ask it for them.  "Aren't you worried about.... SOCIALIZATION?"  Their eyes get kinda wide, like they think I must not have considered this very important aspect of child-rearing before I made my decision to homeschool.

But!  I have the advantage this time.  With equally wide eyes, I ask them in return, "Do you think I am anti-social?" They seem puzzled by this question, but always answer no.  Of course they don't think I'm anti-social.  Then I drop the proverbial bomb.  "Well, I was homeschooled from third grade through high school."

The response to this is usually no response at all.  They get this look that I have begun to equate with "foot-in-mouth" embarrassment.

And to be honest, I must say I don't really understand this concern people have.  Because I am a "insider" to homeschooling, I don't have the benefit of looking at it from the outside perspective.  Because I am an "outsider" to public school, the equation is flipped for me.  I wish to ask these parents aren't they concerned about their children's socialization.

I have no desire to enter into a public school vs. homeschool debate.  I think both are viable educational options.  Not every family should homeschool - not everyone has that vision.  That's fine.  But on the other side of the coin, some families feel called to homeschool their children and I just wish more people would be fine with that decision.

My homeschooling my children is NOT a commentary on your decision to send your kids to public school.  I'm not trying to "one-up" you or make you feel guilty or anything like that.  In fact, your educational choices did not even enter my mind when I decided to take up the mantel of a homeschooling mom.  Why should my choices matter to you?  I have absolutely nothing against public school kids.  Proof?  I married one!

And just as all homeschooled kids are not academic geniuses, not all public school kids are socially well-adjusted .  I think the educational environment of the child - while indeed having some effect on children - is not the only factor in determining academic and social outcomes for the child.  The child's natural personality needs to be taken into account.  Some are shy, some are gregarious.  (You couldn't keep Kid A from being social - whether you wanted to or not!)  The child's home life needs to be considered.  If a child has a good relationship with parents at home, public school's influences (both good and bad) can be filtered through these relationships.

Every kid is different.  Every family is different.  We all just need to accept that no one-size-fits-all educational and lifestyle choice is going to work for everyone.


  1. I've also gotten that question when visiting about home schooling. I usually say, "no." =D If the questioner needs me to expound I go on to say that since I'm raising Anah to be an adult, I don't consider her socializing with children as important as we've been culturally conditioned to believe. Further, my child doesn't have to be social until she's 21. So, we've got some time to work on it. =D

  2. I agree with you Sarah. I am not raising a child. I am raising an adult. And if the person tends to push about the whole socialization thing, I just mildly inquire when in a person's life will they be in a situation where they are surrounded by people entirely their own age. It just doesn't happen once you're out of school. It is an artificial construct. I can think of no situation (even in college) where I was exclusively with people my own age.
